Thursday, March 25, 2010


Welcome to Arsonists Anonymous, a blog dedicated to Estevan Vega's ARSON. From upcoming news to ARSON related promotions to Estevan himself, it can all be found here. Presently, this is still a work in progress as we continue to hunt down book reviews, finalized the blog tour schedule, and get Estevan's input. Check back often- you don't want to miss any of this. And help spread the word about this awesome blog, awesome book, and awesome writer.


Laura Hartness said...

Thanks for getting this started!

Laura Hartness
The Calico Critic

Candyland said...

Very cool:)

Eleni said...


Dwayne said...

I'm excited for this book - will be getting it soon through a book tour and I can't wait!

John said...

Ok, I'm not a happy camper. I started the book and finished it in 2 days because I couldn't put it down. Waited for a dramatic ending and instead the dramatic ending lead into another dramatic beginning. Please tell me you have the sequel in mind. I read Peretti, Decker, LaHaye, Blackstock, ect.... and this book is good.